Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Deep Impact. ( Contains spoilers. )

All is typed by myself no copy and paste. And Below is a trailer.

The basic story is about, well the world coming to an end. At the start of the film there are a group of kids looking at the stars, when Leo discovers another star that isn't on the radard.. which as you would have thought was a meteorite. A scientist attempts to get this news out but dies in a car accident. One year on it is then again rediscovered and named after the boy.
The character adaptment is pretty good, you see another normal side to the president you could say. I also like how the film makers used Morgan Freeman in a presidential role to show another side rather than your average texan white guy.
Personally i'm finding it quite hard to review this film, either because i'm tired or because generally i didn't think much of it second time around. I was excited that i had it on order and it was the first film i bought along with The CORE which i'm sure i will be reviewing very shortly in time. I must admit, the part at the end with the astronaughts speaking with they're families and the blind guy with his wife and child. That stuff can make people cry and i can see why, totally.

I'll give the film 7/10. It's a good film, good for it's genre and isn't too long and doesn't keep spanning along. Oh and there aren't really any heroics like in Armageddon.

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